BLOG - Senior Florist Jo-Ann gives hints and tips about arranging flowers, fun flower facts
and other useful information about flowers in New Zealand.
Do we celebrate Galentines Day in New Zealand? Is this even a thing? What do you send to a galentine?
When you are looking for Wedding Anniversary gift ideas, whether for parents, aunties and uncles or close friends. Often people start with the traditional Anniversary gifts by year, as a place for inspiration for the perfect present.Here is the list of anniversaries from the 1st Anniversary till the 10th and then 20th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th Wedding Anniversary gifts.
New Zealand, a land of breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural diversity, has a profound connection with nature and flowers. From traditional Maori customs to modern celebrations, flowers play a significant role in various cultural festivities.
You have received a beautiful bouquet of blooms - Hooray! Now... How do you help your fresh flowers last as long as possible? Here are our best tips for caring for your flowers.
The Meaning of Flowers - What does that flower mean? Victorian secret language of flowers, used to convey secret messages between lovers, all with the coded flowers they used in their symbolic tussie-mussie flower posies. Very romantic!
As Auckland becomes so amazingly multi-cultural, I find it fascinating to find out more how other cultures use flowers, as part of their annual festivals and celebrations.... I am going in search of more information on Chinese Valentines Day which in 2024 is on Saturday 10th August.
Peonies have abundant blooms that can open up to 10" wide, the Peony has a wide range of uses and a fascinating history. Their large, compact double blooms are versatile in both traditional and contemporary floral arrangements.
Fresh Flowers - This helpful Best Blooms guide will help you choose flowers based on the N.Z. flower seasons.
When choosing your fresh cut flowers, it is popular to send a sweet-smelling, scented bouquet. Flowers with a fragrance are romantic, seductive, and the aroma can conjure up happy memories, whenever you catch a whiff of the same lovely perfumed flower again.
New Zealand has the most beautiful delicate native flowers that are endemic to Aotearoa - Can we use them in Floristry? In this article, our florist explores some of the most iconic and interesting native NZ flowers from Auckland and around New Zealand.
When sending flowers, you want just the right message to go on your gift card. Here s a list of helpful suggestions for sympathy messages, condolence quotes, romantic card messages, good luck messages. Words to share your feelings and personalise your thoughtful gift. Remember a sentimental message, sent from the heart is bound to be just as beautiful as the flowers.
As awareness of climate change and environmental issues grows, more people are seeking ways to live a sustainable lifestyle and reduce their carbon footprint. One way to do this is by choosing to use sustainable and locally grown flowers, and at Best Blooms Florist all of our flowers and foliage is sourced within New Zealand and as close to Auckland as possible.
Using floral arrangements around your home, or office, is a great way to bring colour and fragrance to your environment. It's been scientifically proven! A Harvard study in 2006 noted that participants who had placed flowers around their homes in locations where they could be seen on a day-to-day basis experienced a noticeable increase in their mood as well as higher compassion towards other people!
Our gorgeous potted plants are the gift that keeps on giving. While floral arrangements are often more colourful, a potted plant will have a lifespan wel beyond those of cut flowers, even though some cut flowers can last well. To make the most of your potted plant, and to keep it looking it's best for years to come, read how your plant responds best.
What are Your Favourite Spring & Summer Flowers? Here are our Top 5 most popular seasonal blooms. Sunny days are here and we want to celebrate with the most beautiful flowers in season! So, here s a lovely bunch of the top five spring and summer flowers in New Zealand.
Looking for flowers within a specific colour range? Try these lists of popular flowers across all colour palettes with helpful colour swatches of blooms.
Working within a colour harmony for floral arrangements will create a look that is pleasing to the eye, enhances the blooms and makes them Smile all day. We all think of yellow as happiness, red as passion, white as serene and orange as hot - How do florists make them all blend together?
What does that Colour Rose symbolise? I want to give her Roses but not Red! What would be a good colour to send? What do pink roses mean? Do Yellow Roses mean Jealousy? Read more about the Meaning of Rose Colours here...
News from our Auckland Florist Shop
Seasonal Flowers in New Zealand
Cultural Floral Celebrations in NZ
The Nostalgic Traditions of Flowers
Traditional Wedding Anniversary Gifts by Year (987 likes)
Birth Flowers and Birthstones by Month and Star Sign (909 likes)
Card Messages: Helpful guide to find the right words to send. (812 likes)
10 Tips How to make your Flowers live Longer (750 likes)
Christmas Celebrations - Guide to New Zealand's most popular Flowers at Christmas (693 likes)
Why Best Blooms Loves New Zealand Grown Flowers (684 likes)
Latest News from Best Blooms Florist. New Store. New Location (554 likes)
Do Flowers have a Meaning? (518 likes)
The Meaning of Roses - Symbolism of Rose Colours (511 likes)