BLOG - Senior Florist Jo-Ann gives hints and tips about arranging flowers, fun flower facts
and other useful information about flowers in New Zealand.
At Best Blooms Auckland us Florists love Flowers - it's a Fact!... But What's the Difference between N.Z. grown flowers and Imported Blooms?
Have you ever wondered what your birth flower is? Or how about your birthstone? Here is a fun chart that lists the month, star signs with their symbols, the traditional birth flowers and birthstones. New Zealanders - Please keep in mind when birth flowers by month were set - they were set in the Northern Hemisphere. Kiwis have to take this list with a pinch of salt, it's fun to study, and it is always great to get some new ideas & gift inspiration, when sending flowers for Birthdays.
News from our Auckland Florist Shop
Seasonal Flowers in New Zealand
Cultural Floral Celebrations in NZ
The Nostalgic Traditions of Flowers
Traditional Wedding Anniversary Gifts by Year (987 likes)
Birth Flowers and Birthstones by Month and Star Sign (909 likes)
Card Messages: Helpful guide to find the right words to send. (812 likes)
10 Tips How to make your Flowers live Longer (750 likes)
Christmas Celebrations - Guide to New Zealand's most popular Flowers at Christmas (693 likes)
Why Best Blooms Loves New Zealand Grown Flowers (684 likes)
Latest News from Best Blooms Florist. New Store. New Location (554 likes)
Do Flowers have a Meaning? (518 likes)
The Meaning of Roses - Symbolism of Rose Colours (511 likes)