Our Summer Love Flower Bouquet is in cheerful, summery shades of flowers. This bouquet is popular to send to her for a birthday, anniversary or as a big suprise warm hug.
Uplifting, Positive Flowers to make the recipient feel happy and bright.
Your summer bouquet will come packaged in a water-filled Vox Box with flower food to ensure long-lasting freshness and will be beautifully gift wrapped.
We have x 4 size options for this bouquet - getting bigger with each step up.
Height does vary as to the length of the seasonal flowers available.
Go here to see bouquets being held by real people: What size will your Bouquet be >
Due to seasonal availability, the flowers used in your bouquet may be different to the photos shown. This bouquets colour palette will be made using mixed Hot pink, Purple and Yellow shades, using the freshest seasonal fresh blooms we have in store.
If you wish to find out exactly what we have in store today for your flowers, please call our florists on 09 838 9058.
Here is our full range of Summer Florals >
Go here for our collection of Flower Bouquets >
latest customer feedback
"It is wonderful to find a florist who goes out of their way to achieve the best experience for their customers and the receivers of the flowers. Their communication is fast and very efficient and when necessary they even communicate out of their store hours to make sure everything arrives in time and as smoothly as possible. The flower arrangements are beautiful and even the smaller ones cheaper ones are done in such a special way that they appear as vibrant and full bodied arrangements. Best Blooms is the only florist I use now. They are a one stop shop from flowers to novelty gifts to enhance the gift of flowers even more. I highly recommend this florist and Thank them for making it more affordable to send a beautiful arrangement to someone as a special gift. "
"She absolutely loves the flowers you arranged, thank you so much. Not many places are open on New Years Eve, but thanks to you I could send flowers for our anniversary "
"Once again. Excellent flowers. Delivery was with in the specified time. This company is very consistent with its service. I would recommend Best Blooms to anyone wanting a high class florist. 10 out of 10. "
"Love you Guys, you never let me down and so I trust you but then there's the Flowers, they are always beautiful and fresh, I would never use any other Florist."
"As always fantastic service with beautiful bouquets! My friend absolutely loved her flowers. Thank you!!💐 "
"Oh wow, these are beautiful! Thank you for doing these so promptly, really appreciate it. Elder and Sister Lewis will appreciate the beautiful gift and gesture. "
"Thank you BEST BLOOMS - as always another fabulous arrangement. My mother was absolutely delighted with your creation - the colour and flower choices - amazing. Excellent service - easy online ordering process - a pleasure to deal with. "
"Beautiful, thank you. "
"Thanks gorgeous "
"From across the pond in the USA, Best Blooms never fails, lovely flowers always for over 15 years. I have been using you to deliver Flowers in New Zealand for family. Thank you and Happy Holidays from an American!"
"Jo, Phillip and Team, thank you so much for this wonderful service and apologies for this late reply. Yes, this online service, skilled communication and timely delivery is indeed a wonderful service to the community and is appreciated."
"Once again, a gorgeous bouquet of beautiful, bright, colourful background blooms. Fabulous service. I have never been disappointed."