A Bouquet of 12 White Roses are always so elegant and sophisticated. This is a beautiful bouquet of one dozen fresh N.Z. grown White Roses. Don't Forget FREE Delivery in Auckland.
Twelve Long stem 60cm white roses, artistically arranged and presented in a water-filled vox to ensure long-lasting freshness.
One Dozen White roses are a thoughtful sympathy delivery, or a stylish birthday surprise bouquet.
We only use fresh, premium quality New Zealand grown white roses and they will be stunningly gift-wrapped in a stylish white wrap.
White roses are like sending an elegant embrace. Traditionally White Roses mean Purity, Innocence, heavenly, new love. Nowadays we see less requests for the meanings behind the roses - its more about sending something that they love - favourite colour, favourite flower etc. See our blog post here for more information on the Meaning of Rose Colours.
We can present your 12 White Roses with a beautiful selection of add-on Chocolates & Gifts for you to choose from. Totally Spoil them and Upgrade with delicious N.Z. made Chocolates, Hand Creams, Cute Teddy Bears, Candles, Romantic Balloons & more....
Go here to select from other Rose Bouquet Options >
Here is our collection of White Flowers >
latest customer feedback
"One of the most stunning white rose arrangements I’ve ever seen. Would recommend using Best Blooms to all. Thank you"
"Wow - amazing experience from start to finish - the 12 white roses were so beautifully presented and the recipient said they were the most beautiful white roses she had ever received - thank you so much for a super professional first time experience. Highly recommend "
"The flowers sent to my daughter-in-law and to her Mum were just beautiful… perfect for the occasion. Thankyou so much. You provide a great service from the moment the flowers are ordered. You’re definitely my ‘go to’ florist in Auckland!"
"Thank you! The flowers arrived and Amanda is thrilled. They are very beautiful."
"What a thoughtful touch – thank you so much! Kind regards Jen "