A dreamy pastel bouquet in the shades of mauve, lilac, lavender, purples and white blooms, creating a gentle and alluring bouquet. This enchanting bouquet is ideal to send for a sympathy gesture, beautiful birthday flowers for her, an elegant gender-neutral bouquet for the new mum, or to send to anyone who loves pretty purple flowers. Free Delivery across Auckland City & Suburbs.
Delivered in a water-filled vox with flower food to ensure long lasting freshness, this feminine but pastel blooms bouquet is sure to delight the recipient!
Upgrade to the Totally Spoilt option to get an extra large, luxury bouquet.
We have x 4 size options for this bouquet - getting bigger with each step up.
Height does vary as to the length of the seasonal flowers available.
Go here to see bouquets being held by real people: What size will your Bouquet be >
Due to seasonal availability, the Colours and tones of the lavender & mauve flowers used in your bouquet may be different to the photos shown. This bouquets colour palette will be made using pastel mauves, lavender, lilacs with touches of white and purple flowers, using the freshest blooms we have in store in this pretty soft colour hamony.
If you wish to find out exactly what we have in store today for your flowers, please call our florists on 09 838 9058.
Here is our full range of Pastel Mauve & Lilac Florals >
Go here for our collection of Flower Bouquets >
latest customer feedback
"The flowers were absolutely stunning!! Ordering online was so easy & delivery was exactly as per instructions. Overall an 11 out of 10. Thanks so much Best Blooms!"
"Very happy, same day delivery and people who received flowers said they looked better than the picture I sent. Overall happy customer who will be using your services in the future. Thank you"