Elegant and stylish, fresh asiatic lilies presented in a simple flax wrap giving this flower bouquet a unique NZ flavour. Free Delivery in Auckland.
Lilies are long lasting and very popular, this is a lovely gift and suitable for all occasions. Perfect bouquet to send to a man, or a presentation bouquet. Flowers look fabulous in the flax kete wrap.
We finish off the NZ wrapping with a designer touch of paua shell, moss or twigs to accessorise which gives the flowers a unique kiwiana style.
Here are our Lily Bouquets >
See our Collection of New Zealand Styled Flowers >
latest customer feedback
"Our niece absolutely loved her special flowers thank you! "
"Just want to pass on a big thank you to you and your team. I put in my order pretty late on Friday morning but my mum received her flowers around lunch time and they were BEAUTIFUL. Will definitely order from Best Blooms again in the future. "
"Woo hoo!! Big shout out to team BEST BLOOMS. Thank you for enhancing my daughters smile on her birthday! From the time the order was taken over the phone to getting these delivered to her was amazing same day service. The flowers arrived wrapped in flax and created lots of positive conversations, as it is rare to see and receive. Thank you so much for taking the time to value me and my daughter with your art creation. Kalaga atu :)"
"Nga mihi nui for the ataahua flowers for my Aunty's birthday, she loved them. "
"The arrangement was well received she loved them. Easy process and fabulous selection will use again and highly recommend. 5 stars 👍"
"They look great! Thank you sooo much, it's beautiful! 😍 Will for sure share and recommend you to family and friends. "
"Gorgeous flowers! Unique and beautiful!! Easy and simple website to order on, thank you so much "