Fresh from the flower markets, bright long-lasting Asiatic Lilies. These popular asiatic lily blooms are perfect to send for a cheer up gift, birthday surprise flower delivery, or a get well bouquet. Don't forget - FREE Delivery in Auckland.
Simple, but artfully presented - perfect to pop in a vase or the recipient can choose to leave the lilies in the water-filled vox box to enjoy. It's easy for them to receive the flowers with no fuss or hassle.
Asiatic lilies come in a multitude of colours from bright orange flowers, to happy yellow lily blooms to creamy white asiatic lilies and pink tones.
We try as much as we can to stick to the bouquet picture as shown using yellow lilies and orange asiatic lilies. However please note this does vary on some days subject to fresh lilies available.
Your lilies may be sent in bud form for long lasting freshness, so they can enjoy them for weeks.
Please note - Lilies are poisonous to cats so we do not recomend sending this bouquet to cat owners.
Here is our collection of Yellow & Orange Bouquets >
Please see here for our full range of Lily Bouquets >
latest customer feedback
"Absolutely amazing. Great value. Iām telling my friends and family š"
"Really happy with the prompt delivery of the flowers to our customers. Jo & her team were very easy to deal with."
"Thank you so much for your brilliant service. The flowers were lovely and very well received. Thanks again team"
"Great service and my friend thought the bouquet was lovely. "
"Thank you "
"Incredible business to deal with. Order accepted promptly, photo of flowers to be delivered emailed through (how awesome to see what was created and being given) and delivered promptly. Would certainly recommend and use this lovely company again. The receiver of the flowers was also very delighted."
"Thank you Best Blooms as usual you never fail to impress. Beautiful flowers "
"Excellent website, good communication and service. The photos of the bouquet exceeded my expectations. Thank you."
"Thank you for sending me the updated photo. The flowers look beautiful š "
"The flowers are gorgeous and it was a nice surprise to see a photo especially with me being based in Australia. My mum loved them. She gushed over the flowers and the fragrance. Thank you so much x"
"I have used a lot of florists over the years and this was one of the best. Great website with very clear cut-off times for delivery, free delivery and great updates including photographs of the finished product before it was sent. Superb. I highly recommend and would definitely use again. "
"The pic you sent is beautiful "