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100,000 Online Flower Orders!

New Zealand's best online florist with the orders and feedback to prove it
Exciting Milestone for Best Blooms Florist! This week we have sent out Online Flower Order number 100,000. We are honoured and humbled by the trust our customers place in us, to ensure their flowers are delivered on-time throughout Auckland New Zealand.

Aucklander's - What a Number!

100,000 Customers have Ordered Flowers Online

100,000 is the number of Online Flower Orders delivered across Auckland, that Best Blooms Florist has sent out on delivery around Tamaki Makarau - clocked over this week. How exciting!

Huge Number of Flowers sent for Life's Celebrations

This is a HUGE Number of delvieries for us - a Huge number of Smiles, Happy Birthday's, Hugs, Condolences, Thank you's, Celebrations, Happy Anniversaries, I'm sorry's, I love You, You're wonderful, I'm thinking of you, Congratulations, New Baby's celebrated, Loved Parents remembered, Graduations, Engagements, Weddings and every other beautiful milestone of life celebrated with Flowers and Gifts.

Yellow flowers in bouquet with green wrapping and green satin ribbon

Thank You! - We are very Grateful for all of our Customers - Online, in-store and phone orders!

We are so honoured that 100,000 people have trusted Best Blooms website with their flower order.
100,000 deliveries made in Auckland,
100,000 lives we have touched with flowers,
100,000 days we have helped to be that little bit more memorable.

As you can tell I am quite speechless with the joy this brings us all - we love what we do and are humbled by your trust in us.

100,000 THANK YOU's
to all of our customers - we so appreciate every single one of your flower orders.

Thank you from our family to yours. x

Shop Flowers Online


owner Best Blooms Florist Jo-Ann Moss with cake celebrating 100,000 flower orders.
Co-Owner Best Blooms Florist Jo-Ann Moss with some of our team celebrating 100,000 online flower orders.
100,000 Online Order Celebration Cake.
(Missing: Co-owner Philip Selwyn, Kelli Brown, Sheree Workman)

Other Stories in News from our Florist Shop:

Jo-Ann Moss - Senior Florist  |  13 July 2020, 03:44 PM

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